Disclaimer: Personal Blog post that may or may not be coherent :)
It's 2:14am, I've had maybe 5 hours of sleep between the past two nights... my nightgown has dried spit up on it in several places, I havn't washed my hair in two days (...three?), and I'm never really sure what day it is. It could be a Sunday or a Thursday for all I know! Our little bundle has her first cold and isnt sleeping well...er...at all :(
I've been meaning to share this blog and these images for a while (after all, she is eight weeks now!) but every time I would start, I couldnt think of the words to write... or I would get emotional (again lol) or something would come up and I would put it aside.
But as I sit here with her in my arms, as exhausted as I am, I still feel as if I'm living a dream. It's still so surreal.
Working at various portrait studios during my college years, at every sales session I always found myself wondering when I would get the chance to be in the shoes of my customers. These happy couples with their pride and joy would be looking at the screen deciding what sizes to get which relatives, and trying to decide who the baby looked like most. It was always pure joy for them!
When I finally decided to settle down and marry the man of my dreams (:D), we decided to take a couple of years, and just enjoy being newleyweds. We traveled, built our business, bought our home, etc. When we were absolutely certain that we were ready to grow our family, we hit a road block. It was a long next few years. Doctors and tests, blah blah blah. It was a hard, long and painful road that just cant be understood unless you've been there.
Fastforward FOUR years, and we get a phone call confirming what we had prayed for for so long. I was finally, at last.... pregnant. The baby shower, the ultra sounds, the next 41weeks (and two days!) was a giant (amazing) blur! On top of being pregnant we had 16 weddings last year alone- our most yet!- (not including newborns and families, bridals and engagements etc.) and met so many amazing people! 2013 was flat out crazy!
Fastforward some more to February 4th, 2014. 6:49 pm... It could have been straight out of a movie. When they placed her in the little cart across the room, I remember staring over there waiting for a chance to get a glimpse at her. I will never forget the exact moment the nurses seperated... and there she was. Eyes wide open looking right back at me from across the room. At that moment, when I thought my heart was already about to explode, John leaned over and kissed her. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.
Every child is a miracle. Every single one! That's why I have such a passion for photographing them and capturing their first few days of life. But this little girl, Cora Leigh Marsh, is our very own miracle. An answer to our prayers and a blessing from our Lord and Savior. We're nothing but thankful, humbled, and blessed beyond measure.
I never thought I would get to write a blog post about our own newborn... well here it is :)

Little pearl bracelet from The Bead Lady!

XOXO, Cassie Leigh
P.S. Life is too short for ordinary portraits :)